Rail grinding technology can effectively remove rail disease, extend the service life of rails, and improve the comfort, safety and stability of train operation. With the urgent need of economic development for line capacity enhancement, preventive grinding mainly for prevention and maintenance will be the mainstream development direction in the future. In this field, Fashan Grinding Wheel and China Grinding Wheel are emerging as important components of domestic grinding technology. In recent years, with the promulgation and implementation of the “Made in China 2025” strategic plan, I have over the rail grinding equipment technology is booming, with independent intellectual property rights of the active grinding car, high-speed grinding car, milling and grinding car and other equipment off the line one after another. However, with the grinding car supporting grinding stone, its key technology is still controlled by foreign manufacturers, domestic grinding stone technology is seriously lagging behind the development of rail grinding equipment technology, seriously restricting the development process of China's rail grinding technology. Therefore, based on the basic national conditions, combined with the characteristics of rail grinding operations, research and development of high-performance grinding stones with independent intellectual property rights is imminent. In order to break the monopoly of foreign manufacturers in the field of high-performance grinding stone, and comprehensively enhance China's independent rail grinding technology and competitiveness, future research can be considered from the following aspects:

(1)high-performance grinding stone raw material preparation technology and equipment.
Resin, abrasive, filler and other key raw materials is to determine the comprehensive performance of the grinding stone is an important influence. However, at present, the key raw materials for high-performance whetstone (zirconium corundum, phenolic resins, etc.) are seriously dependent on imports, and there are potential threats and constraints to the localization of whetstone as well as large-scale marketization in the future. Therefore, breakthroughs in high-performance raw material preparation technology and equipment and other key challenges, the development of high strength / toughness and heat-resistant phenolic resin, high strength / toughness and high self-sharpening performance of zirconium corundum abrasives, etc., for the development of grinding stones with all the independent intellectual property rights of great strategic significance.
(2) The mechanism of regulating the performance of whetstone under the coupling of multiple factors.
The comprehensive performance of whetstone is affected by many factors such as molding process and method (raw material, process, structure), wear behavior, material removal mechanism, etc. However, the mutual influence behavior and mechanism between multiple factors are not clear yet. In the future, more detailed research can be carried out to clarify the influence of various factors on the comprehensive performance of the law and mechanism, such as resin / abrasive heterogeneous interfacial bonding mechanism, micro-nano filler particles regulation mechanism, molding process impact mechanism, etc., to build a multi-factor interconnected role of the relationship between the network, so as to guide the control of the performance of the domestic grinding stone and the preparation.
(3) Green and economic millstone preparation technology and application.
At present, the research of grinding stones is generally to prepare full-size grinding stones for evaluation, and the preparation of industrial-grade small batches of grinding stones leads to a large amount of waste of resources, and the cycle is long and inefficient. Therefore, in the future, we can refer to a similar “scaled grinding stone - full-size grinding stone bench grinding - on-site operational verification” multi-dimensional evaluation of technical routes, through the scientific, quantitative evaluation of the performance of the dimensions of the grinding stone evaluation indexes, fast, efficient, fine, closed-loop selection of grinding stone formulations, processes, shorten the research and development cycle, save experimental costs, reduce energy loss, so that the development of grinding stone towards green, green, green, green and green, so that the research and development of the grinding stone towards the green, green and green. The research and development of whetstone will be developed in a green and economic direction. At the same time, the relevant common scientific methods and technologies in advanced manufacturing, heavy-duty grinding (grinding) and other areas of application and promotion.
(4) Grinding stone basic data system.
Grinding stone performance is affected by multiple factors (components, process, structure, etc.), and the factors interact with each other, synergistic regulation. Therefore, in the future, we can scientifically formulate the experimental program of the impact of various factors on the performance of the grinding stone behavior, and experimental data storage, analysis, combined with artificial intelligence, big data and other emerging science and technology methods, to establish a mathematical model of the regulation of the performance of the grinding stone, and constantly optimize the training, so as to construct a mechanism of the control of the grinding stone - mechanical properties - grinding performance - failure mechanism - the surface of the rail surface quality of the basic data system, precise, directional Guide the development of multi-category grinding stones.
The research and development of whetstone involves the intersection of multiple disciplines, and the preparation and evaluation process is complicated. At present, the preparation formula, process and evaluation methods of grinding stones of various organizations are diverse, and the performance of grinding stones is uneven. Therefore, the scientific construction of the evaluation system of grinding stone performance, the formation of industry standards, national standards, international standards and other documents, parameterization and quantification of the performance of the grinding stone judgment indicators, will be an important guiding significance for the standardization of the design and manufacture of grinding stones.